John W. Shelly

Data warehouse design, development, maintenance, and reporting
Database design and application development (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL)
Software design, development, and code maintenance (C, C++)
Operations research and mathematical modeling
Sales and profitability analysis and forecasting


Management Advisor
UpTurn Management Group, LLC
Coordinated on defining the organization of the UpTurn Management Group.
Created the UpTurn web site in conjunction with input from the rest of the UpTurn advisors.

Data Warehouse Architect  (contract) 
School of Dentistry, University of Michigan
Designed and implemented data warehouse extracts structured to support data analysis of transaction data from existing transaction based database of proprietary dentistry product.
• Identified require data for financial reporting, updated ETL, and created additional tables and views for reporting:
• Updated ETL processing to get only the desired data subset from local servers to a cloud environment.
• Assisted in creation of computed tables and views needed to replace Oracle reports with Tableau.
• Led design and implementation of a data warehouse to store transactional treatment data into forms more useful for data analysis and reporting

Senior Software Engineer
Managed Care Advisory Group, Inc
Designed and implemented data warehouse and reporting for analyzing the appeal and recovery process
• Designed data ETL via replication from operational systems including:
• Combining detailed data sets to track and analyze appeal/recovery progress.
• Summary data sets on describing performance metrics at more aggregate levels
• Wrote procedures and views that provided multi-dimensional versions of data at multiple hierarchy levels.
• Designed and created a range of analysis reports with periodic updating via Tableau Server.
Participated in developing database tools for analyzing and reporting on underpayments of medical claims
based on payer specific contract terms (SQL Server).
• Analyzed and documented existing relational databases used for managing medical claim/payment records.
• Designed and implemented tables and SQL for defining fee schedule rules input for computing contract rates.
• Designed and developed database rate computations for procedure code based pricing rules.
• Wrote database structures and procedures for configuration of data analysis processing runs.

Data Warehouse Architect (consulting)
Vaco Supply Chain Solutions
Consultant for JDA Software and Vaco Supply Chain Solutions. This work was design enhancements and support of the JDA Data Warehouse engine developed in relational Oracle and SQL Server.
Designed and implemented performance enhancements to bulk data update processing:
• Designed revised front end processing to evaluate input data validity in parallel
• Changed shared memory buffer interfaces between parallel sub-processes
Support of business intelligence functionality:
Customer support: Reviewed customer issues, particularly those related to query performance and ETL.

Software Architect
JDA Software, Inc.
My work with JDA Software focused on the design and development of a data warehouse products implemented as overlays on relational Oracle and SQL Server databases. I was directly involved in the database architecture, software design, and implementation of configurable multi-dimensional database products designed to support their suite of retail analysis and planning applications.
• Database architecture design
• Support of business intelligence functionality
• Lead design and implementation of data warehouse data input processing
Served as development contact for customer problems beyond the capabilities of customer support group

Chief Technical Officer
4-1-1 System, Inc.
I was responsible for architecture, design, and project lead for a complete rewrite of the functionality of a proprietary directory assistance database product in SQL Server.
• Windows smart client with automated fail-over to replicated servers
• High performance stored T-SQL procedures for query process
• Responsible for the technical content of all bids and proposals
I worked on the maintenance of proprietary database application.

Program Scientist 
Vector Research, Inc.
I participated in a variety of operations research consulting projects, primarily for the US military.
Highlights of these include:
• One of the lead designers for a major combat simulation and technical lead for the large project to develop this model,
• Developed a model to convert weapon targeting into an approximating linear optimization problem via clustering of detailed weapon/target data,
• Analysis of DOD health care data measurement systems, data quality and data collection software,
• Use of models and statistical analysis to address a range of smaller research issues.
I delivered project results as design documents, deliverable software, written analyses, and formal briefings.

Budget and Planning Analyst
Bendix Avionics Division
Analysis of engineering development budgets and forecasting of product line profitability

Bachelor of Science, Mathematics                                   Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL

UpTurn Management Group, LLC, 1510 N. Westwood Ave, Suite 2025F, Toledo, OH 43606